Howdy! My name is Katie Campbell and I’m a board certified health and wellness coach hailing from Ipswich, MA! I live with my forever fiancé, John, our son Arthur, our cat Línda and our devil doggie Vida.

I have always been intrigued by the way our beliefs, thoughts and emotions play a role in our health behaviors and our lives overall. I spent a lot of my life educating myself on how to be the healthiest me I could be. I studied health psychology, integrative nutrition and functional medicine. Yet I still wasn’t healthy! I was anxious, depressed and wasted a serious amount of time doubting myself. I spent a lot of time using my relationship with food and alcohol in particular to self medicate while investing my power and energy into the wrong people, places and things. I had horrible boundaries and did not honor my intuition regarding what was truly best for me. Like straight up, I was not doing the work. Knowing does not always translate to doing. As I’m sure you can imagine, the lack of alignment between who I wanted to be and who I was being, did not sit well with me. I took a long hard look at myself and the answers I found were no cake walk. I recognized the decisions I was making were playing a much larger role than I would like to admit in my overall health and happiness. I came to terms with the fact that I was, indeed, my biggest problem.

I discovered that true health goes very far beyond what you put on your plate. How we spend our spare time, our relationships, our careers, our spirituality, our inner dialogues, exercise, sleep, joy and so much more play a powerful role in our overall health. I also realized that as a society we normalize drinking behaviors that can keep us undoubtedly stuck and dimmed down in our lives. If you are a sensitive soul like me, it probably doesn’t sit well with you either to watch your potential pass you by or to feel that you are living life as a subpar version of yourself; settling for less than you know you are truly capable of. To unequivocally and irrevocably recognize that you are your biggest limitation is pretty darn painful. Trust me, I get it honay! I spent years making life choices that went directly against my intuition and inner knowing and then kept wondering why my life felt so difficult and challenging or why I felt like a shadow of my vibrant self. Holding myself accountable for the trajectory my life and my health takes has been extremely powerful.

Through a combination of sober curiosity and holistic health, I transformed my entire life. I realized that alcohol wasn’t actually doing all the things it promised to do. In fact, in most cases it was doing quite the opposite. It was keeping me small, insecure and anxious. It was keeping me stuck in one-sided relationships and focused on drama and gossip instead of growth and evolution. I finally decided that I wanted to see what I was capable of without normalized drinking patterns getting in my way…and what I discovered was that I was capable of quite a bit! I dove headfirst into my education in holistic health, building a life I no longer needed to escape with alcohol. I created my own approach to holistic and elective sobriety for mindful living and now I’m here to share that approach with YOU; to help support your own transformation in mind, body and spirit.

I work with clients to bring them sustainable contentedness and health, the kind that starts from the inside out and is a lifelong process. True transformation is not for the faint of heart and all too often we expect it to be handed to us on a silver platter. I’m here to tell you that’s not how it works - it’s time to get down and dirty people! Lasting change gets ugly and it gets hard, but it’s oh, so gratifying! Utilizing the principles of Functional Medicine and Integrative Nutrition I help clients find realistic balance in their lives both on and off the plate so they can lead fulfilling, authentic, honest and inspired lives.

It is my strongest belief that we owe it to the world and ourselves to grow into our purpose, with optimal health as a cornerstone, and to encourage others to do the same. The ripple effect is strong. The world needs us at our very best right now! Who’s coming with me?!



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