U N S T U C K yourself coaching intensive

Are you feeling stuck in your life but unsure of where to begin?

My ‘Unstuck Yourself’ 4 week coaching intensive is dedicated to helping clients like you break free from barriers and obstacles and begin moving forward towards a more fulfilling and aligned life.

Through my work supporting both sober curious clients AND clients working towards generalized improvements in their overall health and wellness, I have discovered that there are many variations of obstacles that can stand in our way. I have supported hundreds of clients in addressing everything from limiting beliefs to low self-confidence and a fear of judgement to a reevaluation of relationships in their lives to a discovery of what approachable wellness could look like in a personalized way - I have seen it all!

My holistic approach involves taking inventory of the challenges standing in your way, whether they are mental blocks, limiting beliefs, or external circumstances. By understanding the root causes of WHY you are feeling stuck, we can develop personalized strategies to overcome these obstacles and create a clear path for progress.

Through a combination of 1:1 calls and voice note/messaging communication, we will work together closely throughout our month together to explore your goals, values, and aspirations, along with a deep and honest look at what is standing in your way, ensuring that the strategies we develop for implementation align with your authentic self. Our focus is not just on quick fixes, but on fostering sustainable growth and transformation that will empower you to navigate any future hurdles with confidence.

The life you dream of IS POSSIBLE for you!

If you are ready to embark on a journey of self-discovery, growth, and forward momentum, my coaching is here to support you every step of the way. Let's break free from feeling stuck and unlock your full potential together!

This coaching program is for you if:

  • You are finding yourself stuck in cycles of negative self-talk or low self-confidence

  • You struggle with feeling worthy of all your big dreams and truly envisioning them as possible for you

  • You have just gone through a big life transition and need support in finding your footing

  • You need support in building the momentum necessary to climb out of your rut

  • You can never quite get a firm hold of the healthy life and routine you envision for yourself

  • You experience anxiety and discontent regarding the trajectory your life is on

  • You know you have a deeper purpose that you haven’t quite tapped into yet

  • You envision a more vibrant and fulfilling life for yourself but struggle with actually taking the action necessary to align with that vision

  • You have a never-ending “personal development” list of to-dos but feel lost regarding where to begin

  • You struggle with procrastination, distracting yourself or simply feel stuck and lost on your healing journey

  • You feel trapped in sabotaging patterns but aren’t sure how to solidify new more constructive ones

  • You are “checking things off the healing list” but you feel like you are not moving forward

What You will receive:

  • Two 75 minute life/health coaching calls at the start and end of the month; together we take inventory of your major sticking points and develop personalized strategies for moving forward

  • A realistic approach to health, wellness and healing that feels attainable and meets you where you are at

  • Four weeks of ongoing communication via Voxxer voice notes and text based communication

  • Access to coaching bundles beyond our month together only available to my existing clients

If this resonates and you are ready to partner with me in addressing your life hurdles, fill out the brief questionnaire below and I will be in touch! I greatly look forward to the opportunity to work together and support you in getting one step closer to the life you deserve.

My Credentials

Certified Breathwork & Meditation Facilitator: 2023 - Loka Yoga School

National Board of Health and Wellness Coaches: 2023 - Nationally Board Certified Health and Wellness Coach (NBC-HWC)

Institute for Integrative Nutrition: 2020 - Certification for Integrative Nutrition Health Coach

University of Western States: 2019 - Masters of Science in Human Nutrition and Functional Medicine

Emmanuel College: 2010 - Bachelor’s in Health and Counseling Psychology